Monday, January 31, 2011

The Countdown has begun!

I have 28 days left in the apartment. That is roughly 12 more laundry days, 4 more grocery trips, and numbering the cups of coffee/tea was just too much adding to do this early in the morning :) Only 4 more weeks of telling my kids "Stop jumping. Stop running. Not so loud".

One of the things I look forward to the most is setting my kids free!! Letting them dance and jump! Letting them sing as loud as they want! Listening to their squeals of delight without worrying about bothering neighbors. Letting them run free in the backyard when the weather is warmer. My children have endured "upstairs apartment living" well, but it kills me to think that I'm having the reign in their joy. They had so much fun at my Grandma and Mom's house. They were well behaved and joyful, and I know a big part of that is because they had so much more room. I'm just bursting to give my kids that kind of freedom! Only 28 more days :)

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